The 2024/25 season will be played in the Liga Infantil Preferente, the highest category for under-14.
Top row, left to right: Marc Giménez / Thiago Alejandro / Angelo Abhulimen / Tomeu Ramón / Iker Antequera / Justin Manzueta / Gerardo Plaza / Adrián De Guzmán / Yaya Keita / Nicolás Reboreda / Jordi Rus / Jaume Mas.
Middle row, left to right: Júlio Suárez (doctor) / Xesca Más (assistant psychologist) / Pedro Picazo (goalkeeping coach) / Antoni Ramón (coach) / Stefan Adrover (coach) / Manolo Romera (delegate) / Jaume Mas (psychologist).
Bottom row, left to right: Nabil Oketokoun / Asier Ostos / Keito Antonio / Jose Matheu / Izan Hernández / Joan Antoni Horrach / Antonella Clara / Pere Mercadal / Luís Noguera / Santiago Silva / Hugo Martins.
The 2024/25 season will be played in the Liga Infantil Preferente, the highest category for under-14.
Top row, left to right: Miquel Ramis / Pere Estrany / Andreu Galmés / Moustapha Sanghare / Pau Gomila / Banouhoum Coulibaly / Xavi Navarro / Juan Carlos Perea / Joan Tomàs.
Middle row, left to right: Júlio Suárez (doctor) / Xesca Más (assistant psychologist) / Pedro Picazo (goalkeeping coach) / Juanan Navarro (coach) / Iker Valle (coach) / Patricia Llabrés (delegate) / Jaume Mas (psychologist).
Bottom row, left to right: Mateo Bennasar / Reda Mahir / Javi Ortega / Toni Frías / Nikolas Antala / Yeray Machancoses / Josep Canals / Lucas Omar Blanco.