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‘Centenari RCD Mallorca’ pays tribute to filmmaker Marcos Cabotá

Our fan groups got together to share updates and awards

The Penya Mallorquinista ‘Centenari, Tota Una Vida!’ is warming up before the start of La Liga and held its IV Trobada Mallorquinista this Friday at its headquarters in the Es Cruce restaurant in Vilafranca.   

The event was attended by around 30 Barralets dressed in red and black, and was entertained by the singer Xisquet Barceló.

During the lunch, the well-known influencer ‘Pep Es Berro’ took the opportunity to recite his traditional ‘Berroglosa’ to those present while Juan Catany, president of the association and administrator of its social media platform, presented the new Penya membership card, t-shirt and flag, designed by Migue Gándara. 

He also reported on the promotional activities and agreements reached for this new season, and thanked the sponsors and collaborators, especially Guillem Garí, manager of Es Cruce, who has become the main sponsor and was presented with a commemorative Penya t-shirt for more than 50 years of family business Cuina Mallorquina.

The ‘Centenari d'Honor 2024’ was also awarded, the platform's annual recognition of people or entities that promote culture, to film director Marcos Cabotá who received the award from Francisco Bauzá (President of Grup Güell and winner of the last edition).

The event ended with the traditional prize draw, in which everyone present won a gift, thanks to contributions from the Unió de Penyes, Moviment Mallorquinista and RCD Mallorca.