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Jagoba Arrasate: “We are going to need to be at our best tomorrow”

The boss looked ahead to our clash with CA Osasuna

Jagoba Arrasate spoke to the media ahead of our clash with CA Osasuna on Saturday afternoon. Find out what the boss had to say below: 

On Mateu Jaume: On Wednesday he had a little discomfort with a movement he made. We are at the beginning of the season and it is not a question of forcing things. Jan Salas comes in in his place.  

On his return to El Sadar: It's special because it's the first time after six years. As a coach I am focused on what we have to do to play a good game and win, but before being a coach we are people and emotions are there. I'm looking forward to seeing people I adore again, who have been very good to me and I'm sure it's going to be something special. 

On three-game week: We always have the first game in mind, which is the most important, but in the corner of our eye we have to look at the games we play on Tuesday and then on Saturday. It's a three-game week and it's going to be demanding, but let's see if we can start in the best possible way so that the week goes well.

On managing physical exhaustion: Right now people are fine and we are thinking about tomorrow's game. After the match and playing on Tuesday, there is no time to recover and we will probably have to make changes on Tuesday. But right now we are thinking about tomorrow. We have the usual doubts because people are training well, because we played a good match and we are hesitating whether to continue with that or modify some of the pieces.

On Manu Morlanes and Javi Llabrés: Javi is doing field work and above all he has a good feeling because he has no pain. I think he is doing well. Manu had some discomfort in his knee, but yesterday and today he has trained and is perfect for tomorrow. 

On the Real Madrid draw: I liked the personality we had to be brave when it came to propose and go forward at times, the mentality to stay in the game despite being 0-1 and even at 1-1 not to settle and go for the win. What we didn't like was probably the stretch of the first half, between 10' and 30', where we had moments of doubt and they generated us superiodad at the back, and that's when we suffered. In every match there are things we can improve and things we do well. I think tomorrow's match is very different. The first thing we have to do is to respect Osasuna as we did against Real Madrid and be humble enough to play the game we played the other day.

On Cyle Larin: He's training on the left wing. That's where I see him playing when we are with one striker. It's another thing if we play with two, which we're going to do that too. But I think playing there he can give us depth. The other day, every time we stole the ball we had an outlet with him and he generated danger. I think he's happy and I think we need the best Larin. The doubt this week is also whether to start him or give him continuity to what we did and take him out later so that with space he can give us something different. What I can say is that he is adapting well to this position, which is not new for him.

On CA Osasuna: I expect an Osasuna like the one we saw in the second half against Leganés, where they were an impressive team, playing in the opponent's half, vertical... they even had the chance to win the match. I expect that Osasuna for tomorrow.

On the mood: The mood is good and what we have to do now is to maintain the level of attention and concentration we had against Madrid. We have to respect the opponent and do things very well tomorrow because the context is also different. We are going to need our best version.

On Johan Mojica: I know him well. That's the good version of Mojica. He also has another version that I have suffered. I was not surprised because I think he has that level. The other day he was at a very high level defensively, offensively and physically. I already told him that if he is capable of giving that level, we have to demand that level from him. Tomorrow is a good context to test if it was a one-day flower or if he is really at that level, which I think he is.

On possible departures: I don't expect any departures. There is still a week left in the market, but with a game tomorrow and Tuesday I am focused on my own. It is more the job of the sports management. We are entering the last week and I suppose there will be news, but my job is to think about the games to come.

On CA Osasuna fans: I have felt that affection from minute one, even without doing anything. On a sporting level, there have been six very good years, but that's another question for them. But I can say that I love them too and that I'm especially excited to go there. 

On transfer market being active during the campaign: All the coaches will tell you the same thing. It was already known. We all want to have the squad closed when LaLiga starts. It's something that is up to others. We don't like it, but talking about it doesn't mean anything because we already knew what was going to happen.

On the reception against CA Osasuna: I already had a reception the last day against Villarreal that I will remember all my life. I'm sure I'll be well received, but I'm sure that when the referee blows the whistle they'll be cheering their team on because that's how it's always been and that's how it has to be. That's what I expect and I know what awaits me. 

On playing away: One of the challenges this season is the room for improvement away from home. In recent years, the team has struggled. With Osasuna, we have been solvent away from home in the last few years and we will try to be that way this year.

On goalkeepers: Nothing has changed. I love both of them and I am also happy with 'El Pichu'. I had to make a decision and Dominik played, but it is not definitive. You will see Leo because they both deserve to play. The season will mark and we will have more value judgments to know who we bet on. Dominik played and he was very good, but I know that when Leo plays he will do well.