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Vazquez: “this is a great moment to get two victories in a row”

The managers warns Nastic’s one will be a tough game despite their table spot and their injured players

Fernando Vazquez has met the press with the following message: the Nastic game will a tough one despite their table spot and their injury list. “They play well and are more dangerous than they appear. At home they have yet to win. It will be great if we can get an early lead and feed their growing ansiety. When you’re bottom of the table it’s very difficult to play.

In this light, the manager says he doesn’t look to much at the table when preparing games. “The table’s position can be changed with two games. It’s not relevant, neither the injury list they have. It is however true that you don’t work the same way being down there, than in a comfortable position. When you have more points in your bag, you feel less pressure and things come out better. We will have to make big efforts though if we want to take with us the three points”.

For the Galician, it would be important to take something out of this trip to Tarragona as “it’s a great moment to make two back-to-back wins and come out to the pitch the following game with that incipient run.” He denied the teams performs worse on the road, “I think we’re still competitive away from home and truth be told, we do have less chances than at the Iberostar, some of them are down to lack of concentration, yet we have to be bold and I think it’s a widespread trend that most teams win more at home than away from it”.

Lastly, the managed was grateful to Steve Nash for their visit and rates it as a positive experience “I think it’s incredible for the players to share a moment with him with a star of this calibre. He’s one of the bosses and it’s striking how natural he is face to face and the calm he transmits to the group”.