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Vázquez: "We do not need any new bodies, but it is nice to have a diverse roster"

The coach is glad that the team is virtually complete and is confident that this team will show well

Head Coach Fernando Vázquez spoke with the press about the preseason and highlight that for him, the roster is practically complete, “if a number nine comes, from a different style, we will make do. From a tactical perspective, whether he scores goals or not, a new profile would be good.” The coach went on to show his satisfaction with the work of the strikers that he has, “I hope that Colunga and Oscar Diaz moved forward and got over the troubles of last year. In fact, if we sign a new number nine it does not mean he will start, it will depend every game on the style I want to play, and that of the opponent. If we are able to take points, the transfer market will not matter.”

The tactician recalled that as of now, the club had not found anything to speak of, “it will not be easy, but we are almost complete, and so it is not urgent. We can hope” and he highlighted that whatever roster he has at his disposal “is good notice” for having players available to train, “it is key to start with a good group. To be able to work with our model of play, the routine, the intensity is fundamental to demonstrating what we want to do from the start.”

When asked about the incident amongst the strikers while in Holland, Coach Vázquez assured that these sorts of things are “normal. I am very accustomed to these types of situations and it would be rarer for this not to happen. Eventually, they shook hands and walked away, this is what is important. The club has its code, but I believe that I can dole out the necessary punishment.”

Relating to the already played friendlies, the coach reaffirmed that these games serve to “charge up the legs, to gather rhythm, but also to train. Regardless of who is playing, we are working on things. This Saturday it will be against West Bromwich, who will bring something like those did in Holland. But now, I have not decided who, where, or how long a group will play.”

Specific to this Saturday, the Galician is not taking the game lightly, “but I like it like this. It will be important to us to run together and to work on our touch. I will not look much into an opponent that will be better; they are from a higher level and are in better form, they will demand a lot from us. Even so, I ask the team to give it their all.”

Vázquez continued with his point, “if we have to lose these games, so be it. It brings a team together and helps them gain confidence if they know it is a form of training. We will go out to pressure them, and if we have to make errors, it better be in these games.”