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Vicente Moreno: 'There will always be a considerable remnant of Mallorquinismo inside of me'

The manager penned an open letter to fans, media and club employees following his departure for RCD Espanyol

Farewells are never easy, especially when you have to say goodbye to an historic club and all its employees, in particular a workforce which never lost focus and makes what we do day-to-day all the more straightforward. It has been a unique experience to learn and live alongside all of you. It is also difficult to bid farewell to a city and fanbase that always stood by us and extended its adoration. I would also like to thank the written press and wider media for having treated me with the greatest of respect. Finally, I must offer my utmost gratitude to the playing staff (both the current squad and those who have been with us over these three seasons) who I have had the incredible fortune of working alongside from the first day I arrived.

I want to thank Maheta Molango and Javi Recio for believing in me and my coaching staff, in addition to giving us the opportunity to contribute to this magnificent epoch of club history. It’s difficult to put into words the enjoyment I have had managing this team. The last few seasons have been intense and has seen both myself and my family live through many emotions.

I have loved every moment of this journey we have taken together to the utmost. Nobody handed us anything and had to earn everything we achieved. I became manager of a club in Segunda B with the ambition to return it to where it deserves to be, and despite having achieved that, my departure is bittersweet following a tough season the previous year. The exhaustion personally and professionally permits us to understand that, however difficult the decision maybe, it’s the best thing we can do. There have been many trips away from home, hours of analysis, preparation for training and discussions with players; however, the time dedicated to this club has been worth the hard work. The entire trajectory is reflected upon with substantial endearment like so many fellow Mallorquinistas, and we feel privileged to have experienced this from the inside. 

The joy of those two promotions, a fanbase which never faltered in its support, the mentality of these players that earned the respect of those around us through labour will stay with me, but above all, the character we have shown throughout this campaign until the very last breath.

To conclude, we were unable to achieve our objective in the end, but this club never gives up and will return to where it needs to be.

With a hand on my heart, I would like to offer my sincerest gratitude and wish RCD Mallorca the best of luck for the future because there will always be a considerable remnant of Mallorquinismo inside of me.

Vicente Moreno