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Raillo: "Let's row together"

The Real Mallorca player Antonio Raillo has appeared before the media after confirming his renewal with the Club and extending his commitment until June 2021. The center has been accompanied by the Managing Director, Maheta Molango and the Sports Director , Javier Recio.
Firstly, Raillo wanted to apologize to the fans and asked forgiveness "those who have been able to offend." At no time was his intention and has reiterated that he is 100% committed to Majorcanism. The Andalusian defender wants to start from scratch and thanked the confidence the Club has shown him. "This year will be different and so we have to row all together and hand in hand, I will try to make a good season and help return the team where it deserves."
The central explained that "the descent to Second B was a very hard blow on a personal level but I am confident that it is a long-term project and that is why I will be involved more than ever." In this line, has been very satisfied with the group that is forming and especially with the new coach, Vicente Moreno. Raillo also explained that "all partners are important and what they will have to demonstrate is daily work and sacrifice."