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RCD Mallorca and Estrella Damm present the ' Cap Amunt, Always Amunt ' campaign

The RCD Mallorca and Estrella Damm have further reinforced their bonds of union, with 19 years of close collaboration, facing this final stretch of season. The presentation of the campaign ' Cap Amunt, Sempre Amunt ', has been at the Hotel Es Príncep de Palma, has been attended by the CEO of RCD Mallorca, Maheta Molango, and with the first and second coach of the club, Vicente Moreno and Dani Pendín, respectively. Salva Sevilla, Marc Pedraza and Leo Suarez have been representatives of the first staff and Ruben Forcada, responsible for Trade Marketing in Baleares de Damm, has served as host.

The campaign -which starts tomorrow- can be seen for four weeks in 50 advertising soffits in Palma Centro and in the main towns of Majorca, as well as in the social networks of both entities. Ruben Forcada has emphasized the good harmony between the two entities: "We have always been next to the RCD Mallorca, now comes an end of exciting season and launched a communication campaign whose central axis is the team, by the values it represents. Our union allows us to connect with the island and its people". This campaign is the motto of ' Cap Amunt, Sempre Amunt ' (part of the anthem of the club) with two fans offering a Star Damm each. "It's a way to paddle together, there are eight games left, the club is at its best and we want to connect with the fans and the people of RCD Mallorca," said Forcada.

Maheta Molango, CEO of RCD Mallorca, has thanked Estrella Damm, both in the good times and the bad: "Estrella Damm has always been with us always, is a special partner, very loyal, and with the arrival of Rubén Forcada Our relationship is even more entrenched and powerful. This campaign arrives at a special moment of the club and I appreciate the special support of Estrella Damm".