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Real Mallorca's medical checks will take place at Juaneda Sport Health

Next monday 10th of July Real Mallorca starts the preseason campaign with a trainning session at 19h. From tuesday to wednesday, all the players will go to the Juaneda Sport Health located in the Rafa Nadal Sports Centre for doing the medical check.

The Club's sponsor, Red Asistencial Juaneda will take care of our players and the official Doctor of Real Mallorca, Tomeu Munar will be the one who will realize all the analytics and tests. The players will go to Manacor in 2 groups: the first one on tuesday and the second one on, the followin day. 

Always being grateful for Juaneda's service, this time, Real Mallorca wants to express its gratitude to Rafa Nadal and Rafa Nadal Sports Centre's directors for giving us the chance to realize medical tests in their fabulous center.