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Alfonso Díaz y Pablo Ortells valoran el mercado de verano

Our executives provided updates on the squad, finances and the club

CEO of business Alfonso Díaz and sporting director Pablo Ortells were on media duties after the summer transfer window ended. With our season underway, find out what our executives had to say about our business, the campaign and key developments away from the pitch.  

On the transfer window: 

Alfonso: Of what we have had available to invest in signings, we have used practically all of it. That does not imply that the names we have seen in the press were all available to sign. We also have to consider that the payments are made in different installments, that there may be amounts that belong to other clubs. I can assure you that much less than half of those amounts that appear in the press is what we have had available to sign and for other things such as paying a player's wages...but we always leave a small balance for the winter. We have always done that and other clubs also do it. Pablo can give you more details on the sporting side. At the economic level we have followed the same philosophy as always, reinvesting the available money. 

Pablo: On a sporting level it has been a long market. We talked about it with other colleagues. It is not only two months, but since the end of the previous season we have been working on it. It is three-and-a-half months. We all commented that it makes more sense to shut the market when the competition starts. That we all have full squads. Within that, I think it has been a market where we have covered the team's needs. I think we have covered them, I think we have a competitive squad and we are going to fight to the maximum to win every game. I think people are happy with the squad. The market has closed, we have been in the market for four games and we have to compete. There is nothing left but to compete and do well.  

On the goals for the season: 

Alfonso: That's a recurring theme. I think our objective is to be in LaLiga. It is the great asset of this club and we have repeated it a lot: we have to be aware of where we are and where we come from. The reality is that eight years ago we were in a very complex situation, complicated as a club at all levels. We have been building the club little by little and now it is the fourth consecutive year in LaLiga. This is a long-term project in which we are going to grow little by little. Our goal is to be in LaLiga. We are ambitious and we want more.

On impact of last year's expenses 

Alfonso: We have a similar situation to last year in terms of the economic and salary capacity we have. Around 58-59 million. Payments and commitments mean that you have a similar situation to last year.

On signings and working with the coach:

Pablo: You were able to ask him the other day and I think he is happy. We have a competitive and balanced squad. Now we have to prove it every weekend, at Son Moix or away from home. I have a very fluid relationship with the coach. These are all decisions that are very well discussed with the coach. We go hand in hand on that.

On Rodri:

Pablo: He was a player that we liked, that fit us, but it was impossible for him to leave Betis. We work with different player profiles, which have been worked on not only from last season, but for several seasons. We are convinced that all the players who have come here will do well. They help us to continue growing with this project and now it is time to prove it.

On quality of signings:

Pablo: You won't hear me talk about bombshells or not bombshells. We are convinced that those who have come in will do well. I have full confidence in the players we have brought in. In the squad of 25 that we have, everyone will be important at certain times. The players we have brought in are perfect for this Mallorca.

On management of the squad:

Pablo: The management has been done. It is true that we had a purchase option on Nacho Vidal, but at that time we had two right-backs and it was not activated. Then Mateu came up which I think is an option that Mallorca had to take. A win-win for both: he is from Mallorca, he has been at the elite level at Borussia Dortmund and is delighted to come here. We will help him and he will help us. It is true that Gio (González) left, Maffeo is staying with us and with the preparation of the squad we decided to bring Valery, who is a player who can help us at a certain moment in that position. He is a versatile player.

On management of economics and CVC:

Alfonso: It is an agreement that all clubs reach with the CVC. They are amounts that the clubs receive, based on the last four seasons that they have been in the first or second division. Therefore, the amounts are different. We receive certain amounts and these are returned each season. What we have received and we are returning it in annual amounts for several years, and at the same time that fund, that partner, is compensated with a part of the television rights. 

On the income/expense balance:

Alfonso: We never go into contract issues and figures and we will not go into them. One thing is that you transfer a player for a certain amount and another is when you collect it. We have to consider that things are paid in installments. In each season you will have some amounts available for reinvestment. That reinvestment not only implies paying a transfer; you have to pay salaries, different things around the signing of a player, you have to face payments from previous signings.... there are many variables. 

On variables: 

Pablo: Just like Alfonso, I am an advocate that staying in LaLiga is going to give us that stability to keep growing. Not so long ago the club was in a different category every year: first, second, first and second. That generates a certain instability and it is not easy to manage that. The priority objective is to be in LaLiga. I don't think we realise now what it's like to be in LaLiga for so long. 

On Robert Navarro:

Pablo: He signs for one season. We think he is going to help us achieve our objectives. He is a very good player. All parties have considered him to be a good option.

On Marc Domenech: 

Pablo: The faith in him is strong, but also for grassroots football. Everything that is happening has been discussed with him and with his family. You can't control these things, but he has to keep his feet on the ground.

On Matija Nastasic:

Pablo: At the time we made him a renewal proposal that was not accepted and the market is evolving and there was a change of coaching staff. With the four central defenders we have we are super confident and committed. 

On the free player slot in the squad:

Pablo: There is one free player slot left but we consider the squad closed. 

On Cyle Larin:

Pablo: Rather than worrying, we have been busy making sure he gets the best out of him. To make him feel important again, to be able to see a strong Larin who does things well. Whistles are never nice and I think they don't help. 

On a better squad than last year:

Pablo: At the end of the season we will be able to see and evaluate. I am happy and confident with the squad and coaching staff we have. 

On the quality of the league:

Pablo: I think we have a very competitive league. We have players of great quality. We are satisfied and each club has its own level of satisfaction. The Spanish league is a powerful league and we have to fight to keep it that way.